Perfect Hot Briquetted Iron to Trade

Hot briquetted iron is one of the most important types of iron briquettes for trade, which is exported in bulk due to its numerous advantages such as easy transportation and the possibility of exporting to different countries with the least risk, in addition to distribution in the domestic market. This product is sold by various centers, such as representing the units that produce various types of sponge iron and its products, as well as direct supply and sales centers.
Perfect Hot Briquetted Iron to Trade

How Is Hot Briquetted Iron Produced?

How Is Hot Briquetted Iron Produced?

Hot briquetted iron is produced in the steel industry and, like any other industry, the optimal use of by-products has a special place. Usually in direct reduction units, soft quantities of sponge iron are produced, which due to their small dimensions and less than 6 mm, their direct charge to the steel furnace reduces production efficiency and increases losses. Thus, sponge iron briquetting and its product called “sponge iron briquetting CBI are used as a conventional solution for the optimal use of direct reduction unit by-products. Due to the limited production volume of sponge iron in the direct reduction unit less than 10% of the production volume of the direct reduction, the capacity of the briquetting unit of the fine is also limited.

Today, Iran is known as a producer of briquettes and the largest producer of sponge iron in the world. Since almost all active direct recovery units in the country produce cold sponge iron, most of them have problems in storing and transporting their sponge iron. CBIC is a product made from cold sponge iron in the briquetting process and is known as a commodity that can be stored and transported in the direct regeneration industry due to its inherent properties, such as high density and mechanical strength and acceptable chemical stability.

Is Hot Briquetted Iron Flammable?

Is Hot Briquetted Iron Flammable?

Iron briquettes are flammable and are used for road construction and paving, and their price is reasonable. Iron briquettes are used in the road construction industry and are also flammable. The hot briquetted iron price industry has developed to produce sponge iron-based products to obtain more desirable properties. Sponge iron is currently one of the most important power supplies for steel units. And as its name suggests, the appearance of the sponge and its high porosity increase its volume. Spongy iron beads absorb undesirable moisture and oxygen, have high flammability and low abrasion resistance, make them difficult to transport and store, and require safety. However, there are guidelines for improving these and further protection that change the density does not cause it.

Hot Briquetted Iron Bulk Price

Hot Briquetted Iron Bulk Price

The wholesale price of hot iron briquettes is higher than its raw material, sponge iron. But due to its good properties, it has many applications in transportation and storage. One of the factors influencing the price of sponge iron briquettes is its type. The price of cold, hot and soft briquettes is different. In addition, market fluctuations also affect the price of sponge iron briquettes. The easiest way to order briquette iron is to buy in person through online sales centers and systems. In the electronic supply center, bulk purchase applicants can check the prices of their products on a daily basis and order their desired products in bulk.

Sale of hot iron briquettes of hot briquetted iron manufacturers this product in the world market of Syria, Oman and India, which were the first three countries to buy Iranian hot iron briquettes. Turkey and Azerbaijan are other major customers of this product. Increasing the use of sponge iron briquettes in steel mills around the world to reduce global emissions in the iron and steel industry is projected to create a global market of 40 million tonnes of sponge iron briquettes over the next two decades. In Iran, according to forecasts, the capacity of direct reduction and steelmaking units activated in.

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