Outstanding Galvanized Steel Sheet Exportation

The export of galvanized steel sheets has had a sinusoidal trend in recent years. Most galvanized sheet exports are sent to Iraq, then Afghanistan. Other trading partners of Iran in the export market of galvanized sheets are Turkmenistan and Armenia. From the beginning, Iraq has been the main export destination of Iranian galvanized sheets, during the civil war, its import volume decreased but with the end of the war, the demand for Iranian galvanized sheets increased again.

Outstanding Galvanized Steel Sheet Exportation

Does Galvanized Steel Rust?

Does Galvanized Steel Rust?

diamond plate sheet metal has a life of up to 20 times longer than ordinary steel sheets due to its high resistance to atmospheric corrosion. The durability of this sheet, especially in humid environments, is so great that many applications can be easily assigned to it. Especially in the case of steel products used in the production of building roofs in areas with high humidity, this type of sheet is used.

With the presence of the galvanized steel sheet, the country’s steel industry has been able to be self-sufficient in the production of various products, as well as supply domestic consumers in terms of volume and quality of raw materials.

So that Iran has been able to become self-sufficient in terms of production of many home appliance products. Of course, some of the raw materials for the production of these products, especially stainless steel, are still dependent on foreign suppliers. Meanwhile, the trend in the steel industry and the ongoing plans in this field, especially in the private sector, show that positive and forward steps have been taken.

How Long Will Galvanized Steel Last?

How Long Will Galvanized Steel Last?

The price and stainless steel sheets for sale are usually higher than other steel due to the elements used and high consumption and high demand. The consumption of stainless steel sheets is high and varied and many home appliances such as electrical appliances, appliances Kitchen, knives, door handles, fishing tackle and etc are used. Another reason for the popularity of this product is the ability to polish and high gloss of this steel which has caused this steel not to rust in some places instead of mirrors.

Sheet metal plays a wide role in the domestic, semi-commercial, commercial and industrial sectors and everyone who works with these sheets must deal with a combination of different models of these sheets.

Galvanized and galvanized are both made of steel sheets but the difference is in the type of coating between the two, in that the galvanized sheet is coated with pure zinc or iron or zinc alloy but the allogenic sheet is coated with a combination of aluminum and zinc.

Galvanized Steel Sheet for Trading

Galvanized Steel Sheet for Trading

Germany is the world’s first importer of galvanized sheets, followed by the United States, which has seen significant growth in its galvanized sheet imports. China and South Korea are the main exporters of the galvanized sheets to Germany and the United States and due to political issues, Turkey also has a share of US imports.

The UAE, on the other hand, is the second-largest importer of galvanized sheet exports in the Middle East. Therefore, the Turkish export market and the import of the Emirate is the most important and best opportunity to expand the export market of Iranian galvanized sheet which should be planned and traders should invest in these markets.

The galvanized sheet price is different in its quality. In Iran, several factories produce and supply galvanized sheets. The price of a galvanized sheet in each factory is different from the other and their final product is known as the factory itself. Among them, we can mention Kashan galvanized sheet,

Haft Almas galvanized sheet, Shahrekord galvanized sheet, Taraz galvanized sheet. In the Iranian market, in addition to domestically produced products of Korean galvanized sheet, Chinese galvanized sheet, Kazakh galvanized sheet and Indian galvanized sheet is also available.

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