Deformed Steel Bars; Flexible Durable 2 Types Hot Rolled Cold Worked

Deformed Steel Bars; Flexible Durable 2 Types Hot Rolled Cold Worked

Deformed steel bars are reinforced bars that have raised or indented patterns on their surface to provide much better adhesion with concrete, enhancing structural strength

Deformed Steel Bars

Deformed steel bars, also known as reinforcement steel bars, are steel bars with surface deformations that provide better adhesion with concrete

The deformations enhance the bond between steel and concrete, increasing the load-carrying capacity and improving the overall structural strength

The use of deformed steel bars in construction began in the early 20th century when engineers discovered that the rough surface of the bars improved their performance in concrete structures

Deformed steel bars come in various types, such as hot-rolled deformed bars and cold-worked deformed bars

They are commonly used in reinforced concrete structures, such as bridges, buildings, and highways, to resist tensile forces and prevent concrete cracking under load

 Deformed Steel Bars; Flexible Durable 2 Types Hot Rolled Cold Worked

Deformed Steel Bars Features

Deformed steel bars have several features and advantages that make them popular for reinforcing concrete structures

The surface deformations, such as ridges, bumps, and grooves, provide better adhesion with concrete, improving the connection between the two materials and enhancing the structural strength


Known as
Reinforcement Steel Bars

Hot-Rolled and Cold-Worked

Bridges, Buildings, Highways

Flexible and Durable

Deformed steel bars are highly durable and can withstand heavy loads, making them ideal for use in large-scale construction projects

They are also highly resistant to corrosion, which helps to ensure their long-term performance in harsh environments

Another advantage of deformed steel bars is their flexibility, as they can be easily bent and shaped to fit a variety of applications

Additionally, they are widely available and effective compared to other reinforcing materials

 Deformed Steel Bars; Flexible Durable 2 Types Hot Rolled Cold Worked

Buy Deformed Steel Bars

When buying deformed steel bars, there are several factors to consider

Firstly, determine the required dimensions, diameter, and length of the bars based on the intended application

Consider the type of steel used in the bars, as well as the surface deformations, which can vary in size and spacing

Check compliance with industry standards and quality certifications, such as ASTM or BS

Additionally, consider the reputation and reliability of the supplier, as well as their quality control processes and lead times for delivery

Lastly, consider any additional services or support offered by the supplier, such as cutting, bending, and packaging, which can help increase overall efficiency

 Deformed Steel Bars; Flexible Durable 2 Types Hot Rolled Cold Worked

Deformed Steel Bars Price + Buy and Sell

The price of deformed steel bars varies depending on various factors, such as the type of steel, diameter, and length of the bars, as well as market demand and supply chain disruptions

Generally, the prices of deformed steel bars range from around $0
50 to $1
50 per pound

The price of deformed steel bars can be affected by various factors, such as raw material costs, transportation costs, and tariffs

In addition, value-added services such as cutting and finishing can also affect the overall price of deformed steel bars

So consider deformed steel bars for your next construction project and contact us for advice and to register a purchase order

 Deformed Steel Bars; Flexible Durable 2 Types Hot Rolled Cold Worked

The Answer to Two Questions About Steel Bars

1: What is the advantage of Deformed Steel Bars?
Another advantage of deformed steel bars is their flexibility, as they can be easily bent and shaped to fit a variety of applications

2: What are the types of Deformed Steel Bars?
Deformed steel bars come in various types, such as hot-rolled deformed bars and cold-worked deformed bars

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