Top Sponge Iron for Trading

Sponge iron shop and sales center offer a variety of products that have a significant impact on customer choice, And he can make purchases according to his needs. These centers provide quality and first-class tools to the customer, which satisfies him and increases sales efficiency. These stores offer a wide range of services for the convenience of customers and faster and easier shopping, the best of which is online shopping from reputable store sites, which has been very well received by people.

Top Sponge Iron for Trading

How Many Types of Sponge Iron Are There?

How Many Types of Sponge Iron Are There? After melting and reducing in steelmaking, sponge iron becomes the required product in the casting process and is used in three forms: slabs, billets and rebars. Today, about 5% of the world’s steel is produced from sponge iron, and this trend is increasing. The appearance of sponge iron is in the form of porous spherical pieces that have a spongy appearance, which is why it is called sponge iron. Briquette is the same as sponge iron, except that during production, it is molded and compressed into large pieces.

In the cold briquetting process, the input materials enter the briquetting machine at room temperature. In this process, according to the type of input materials to the machine, two types of products are known. These include soft sponge iron briquettes and cold sponge iron briquettes. Briquettes are divided into three categories based on the type and temperature of the production process.

  • Hot snuff iron briquettes
  • Soft sponge iron briquettes
  • Cold snake iron briquettes

What Is Sponge Iron and Its Advantages?

What Is Sponge Iron and Its Advantages? When oxygen is removed from iron ore immediately, sponge iron, also called porous pellets, is produced. The production of sponge iron takes place during the direct reduction of iron or without melting iron ore. The product of sponge iron, which is in the form of small balls, has a porous appearance and that is why it is called sponge. After melting, sponge iron is converted into three products: ingots, slabs and rebars during the casting process, which are sent to factories for various uses, where they become other more widely used products. Pellets are very high in iron and can be a good substitute for scrap iron. The remarkable thing about pellets is that it refers to sponge iron and is equivalent to it.

One of the advantages of use of sponge iron is that it can be added to scrap iron to reduce the amount of sulfur and phosphorus. The only way to reduce sulfur and phosphorus is to add this type of iron. That is why sponge is so important in the manufacturing industry. You can also save on molten steel costs by constantly charging sponge iron. Another advantage of this type of iron is that because it can be used instead of scrap iron, it causes less damage to metal production furnaces.

Amazing Sponge Iron to Export

Amazing Sponge Iron to Export The exporter of high quality sponge iron produces these products in a completely hygienic way and exports them to different countries in small and large quantities, due to the high quality of this product and the demand for it from these countries day by day. Is added and has made its export industry very profitable. Major exporters of sponge iron export this product with high quality and first class and in high quality packages suitable for trade to different countries. Exports of sponge iron bring a lot of currency. To order sponge iron, you can contact the main manufacturer directly and benefit from the services provided, you can also order your purchase with confidence.

The cheap product distributor considers special sales conditions for its products and offers its products for sale with amazing discounts. The sponge iron cost is excellent and it can be said that it is very affordable and cheaper than other reputable brands. These products are of the best quality and have extremely good and high sales. This product is sold by the original agency and manufacturer, and its purchase and sale is completely valid and legal. sponge iron production is widely done in our country.

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