Carbon Steel Ingot; Low Medium High Types Excellent Weldability Magnetic Properties

Carbon Steel Ingot; Low Medium High Types Excellent Weldability Magnetic Properties

In a carbon steel ingot, carbon is the main alloying element, with minor additions of elements such as manganese, silicon, and aluminum for degassing

Carbon Steel Ingot

The carbon content of these steels plays a major role in increasing their strength after heat treatment

These steels are divided into three groups:
low carbon, medium carbon, and high carbon

Low-carbon steel containing up to 0
25% carbon

Medium carbon steel containing 0
25% carbon

High carbon steel with 0
5% or more carbon

Plain low-carbon steel is used for general machine parts, shipbuilding, railways, etc

These steels also have high magnetic properties and excellent weldability

In general, it can be said that ordinary carbon steel refers to steel that does not contain elements other than carbon

 Carbon Steel Ingot; Low Medium High Types Excellent Weldability Magnetic Properties

Carbon Steel Ingot Features

Some of these Features of carbon steel ingots are:
Yield strength, tensile strength, total elongation, uniform elongation, yield strength elongation, shear stress rate, longitudinal anisotropy, planar anisotropy, and work hardness rate


Low Carbon, Medium Carbon, High Carbon

General Machine Parts, Shipbuilding, Railways

High Magnetic Properties and Excellent Weldability

Positive Point
Can Be Used without Heat Treatment

Many of the mechanical properties of steel that affect properties such as ductility can be measured directly or indirectly from uniaxial tensile tests according to ASTM E8

High-quality low-carbon steel is rolled into thin sheets and used for car cabins and engine covers

It is also rolled for manufacturing mechanical parts that require low strength

Medium carbon steel has higher strength and hardness than low carbon steel, but less flexibility and stiffness

Cold-rolled material can be used as is without heat treatment

 Carbon Steel Ingot; Low Medium High Types Excellent Weldability Magnetic Properties

Buy Carbon Steel Ingot

Buying and selling carbon steel products, including ingots for export, is one of the most profitable businesses in the world

The market for this product is always hot and booming as it is a raw material for many industries

Through many websites, you can buy top-quality steel ingots for export

When buying steel ingots you have to consider many factors such as Chemical analysis of the compounds, the demands on the product, USD fluctuation, the global rate of Iron ore and methods of production

Turning steel ingots into finished products has become commonplace in many factories today

However, intermediate products from steel production are required to produce a high-quality final product

 Carbon Steel Ingot; Low Medium High Types Excellent Weldability Magnetic Properties

Carbon Steel Ingot Price + Buy and Sell

The price of carbon steel ingots is a matter on which I cannot comment precisely

These products fluctuate from moment to moment, so reliable standards should be used to establish prices

In addition, the production process of ingots is much faster than other products, and despite being cheaper than steel products, they can be sold in much larger quantities

The price range of carbon steel ingots starts from 450 to 477 USD

The price of exported steel ingots is always fluctuating and changing, but there are always tools to help you analyze the market better

Contact our experts to get the best prices and top-quality products on the market

 Carbon Steel Ingot; Low Medium High Types Excellent Weldability Magnetic Properties

The Answer to Two Questions About Steel Ingot

1: What is the use of carbon steel?
Plain low-carbon steel is used for general machine parts, shipbuilding, railways, etc

2: What are the characteristics of carbon steel?
These steels also have high magnetic properties and excellent weldability

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